Do you want to look younger like me even in your 70s? The Secret is here


Do you want to look younger like me even in your 70s? 

Do you want your skin to looks fresher and shinny glowing like my skin is?

Today I will tell you my Secret, - Please promise you won't tell anyone. 

Afterknowing these Secret; you would throwaway those harmful chemicals call bleaching Creams, sorry, body toning cream, as you call them. 

Those that knows me well, will tell you that, I'm not a fan of body cream, but my cream-less skin can compete with any expensive cream-full body.

The Secret is Carrot and Tomatoesre Juice & Smoothie. 

Tomato Carrot juice is the Secret, 

Rich in beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, and also a storehouse of antioxidants; both carrots and tomatoes are your allies to prevent free radical damage. 

Drink a glass of this refreshing juice every day for that pink cherubic glow on your cheeks and also a have an overall healthy glow in your body!


- 4 ripe tomatoes

- 2 medium size carrots 

( Optional)

- 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt

- 1/2 cup ice cubes

- 1/2 tsp. honey

- 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon


1. Cut the tomatoes into chunks and add them to a blender.

2. Scrape  and cut carrots add it to the blender along with the yogurt, ice cubes, honey, and cinnamon.

3. Blend on high for 1-2 minutes, or until the mixture is smooth and creamy.

4. Pour the smoothie into glasses and serve immediately.

Optionals: You can add other fruits like strawberries, oranges, or pineapple to add more flavor. You can also add a pinch of salt and black pepper or ginger to give it a savory kick.

Take this combo religiously for one month, then come back and give testimony.