Do you know you can Grow Vegetables without Soild

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What is Hydroponics ?

Derived from the Greek words “hydro” (water) and “ponos” (work), hydroponics these  literally means “water work.” 

This term basically refers to the method of growing crops without soil. This may seem counterintuitive, because plants get the nutrients they need to grow from the soil, without which they could die. However, aquatic plants obtain all the necessary nutrients from the aquatic medium, so the presence of soil becomes unnecessary for the survival of the plant. 

One of the biggest advantages of hydroponics is that this method can be used on both a small and large scale. People who do not have a lot of space, such as those who live in apartments or those who do not have a garden, can use hydroponics to grow plants successfully. 

Although hydroponics attracts the attention of farmers because it provides a sustainable way to grow food, there are some plants that do not grow properly in hydroponic environments. These include plants with deep roots, such as potatoes, tall plants and vines. 

How does hydroponics work? 

For plants to grow, three things are very important: sunlight, water, and nutrients. In traditional environments, plants grow in soil, which serves as a medium for the plant to obtain necessary nutrients and water. Hydroponic plants obtain all the necessary nutrients through the root solution through different types of equipment. Types of Hydroponics

Prevailing Growth Systems in Aquatic Environments:

1. Active System

An active system is one in which plant roots have direct access to nutrients through an aqueous solution distributed via a pump. This system is more complex so some growers may find it difficult. The system works by using pumps to move the nutrient solution from the reservoir to the roots. The excess solution that the roots cannot absorb will return to the reservoir. 

2. Passive system

The passive system does not require a pump to dispense the solution. Instead, plants are suspended in the solution, which then reaches the roots through various methods based on gravity, flooding or capillary systems. This type of hydroponics is very easy to implement because there is no need to use a pump. 

However, farmers must change the water regularly. Furthermore, the lack of a pump allows algae to grow, which can deteriorate water quality. 


Advantages of hydroponics 

Hydroponics is an effective system for growing plants, and in the near future it could become one of the most beneficial and sustainable ways of producing food. Some of its main advantages include:

1. Producing high-quality food for a large population

In a hydroponic environment, growers do not use pesticides because the risk of pest damage is lower due to their indoor placement. In addition, the plants receive the necessary nutrients directly in the solution, which helps them grow faster and not get sick. Not only are the products of high quality, but hydroponic systems can also cater to larger urban populations, meaning local food is always available in the city. 2. Reduce water consumption 

Hydroponics uses very little water compared to conventional farming. Much of this is due to the water solution being reused and piped into the aquatic environment. The excess water is then returned to the nutrient solution tank. This makes hydroponics a good agricultural technique in areas that lack water due to drought. 

In contrast, large amounts of water are used in traditional agriculture, much of which is lost due to evaporation and poor irrigation. In the end, only a small portion of the water reaches the plants. 

3. Reduces the incidence of parasites and fungi

Hydroponics does not require soil for plants to grow, which reduces the incidence of soil-borne diseases. Additionally, since this cultivation technique is done indoors and everything happens in a controlled environment, the chances of pest infestation are much lower. 4. Improve productivity

Hydroponics provides a controlled and monitored environment for plant growth. In addition, providing the roots directly with essential nutrients will help them grow faster. 

The indoor  environment also positively affects productivity because farmers do not need to depend on the season. This means that crops can be grown all year round without having to lose crops due to external factors such as pest infestation, climate change and problems caused by animals and birds on the ground. 
5. Optimal use of regional/territorial diversity

One of the best advantages of hydroponics is that it saves space. In traditional agriculture, plants must forage for nutrients in the soil, allowing them to grow deeper roots. However, in hydroponics, the nutrients are provided directly to the roots so you do not need to search for them. Plants with less dense roots take up less space, making hydroponics an ideal choice for city dwellers who live in enclosed areas, desert areas, and even very cold areas. Hydroponics allows efficient use of nutrients because the entire environment is controlled and the plants are given only the required amount of macro- and micro-nutrients. 

By providing the ideal nutrients needed for growth, hydroponic plants are known to achieve better yields and high growth rates compared to plants grown using traditional agricultural methods, as plants depend on the nutrients present in the soil and depend on various environmental factors. Factor. For example, changes in humidity, temperature, and water quality can expose plants to potential stress, affecting biochemical production, and impacting growth and product quality. 

6. The system saves time

Conventional agriculture requires farmers to spend a lot of effort and time monitoring processing, weeding, irrigation and disinfection; All this in exchange for a return that is not always sufficient or satisfactory in terms of both quality and quantity. 

On the contrary, in hydroponics, all you need to do is place it in your preferred space and watch the plant grow. This may require time and initial investment, but if managed well it will deliver strong returns in the long term. 

As the saying gose, They're Two side of a coin. As there are numerous advantage of Soilless Farming, they're some disadvantage of it too. Some of them are on .

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